Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Helping hand: How to aid in disaster relief

According to online publication Our World in Data, natural disasters are becoming more frequent as time passes. While the world has done a relatively good job of limiting the death toll as compared to early 20th century data, the number of people affected by these calamities is increasing. 

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Just recently, Mexico was struck by two high-magnitude earthquakes in a span of two weeks, while the Caribbean and the U.S. Gulf Coast regions were hit with a category-four major hurricane and two category-five major hurricanes within a month. 

These have caused the mobilization of numerous relief efforts as an aid for the millions of lives affected and the hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. 

Understandably, countless people want to extend their help to disaster relief programs, only many do not know how. Below are two ways of giving aid during these times: 


According to The Center for International Disaster Information, a charitable contribution is arguably the most effective means of helping. There are hundreds of foundations or nonprofits that know how to financially support international emergency aid. Those who could not afford to contribute money can opt to donate used clothing, items, or food instead. 


In Florida alone, a total of 17,000 volunteers were requested by Governor Rick Scott. Manpower is badly needed during these times. However, people, as well-intentioned as they may be, should not head directly to disaster scenes. It is better to be connected with organizations or agencies.  

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Eastern Automotive Group CEO and founder Robert Bassam is also a philanthropist and humanitarian who gives back to the community. Read more about charity and volunteering here.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Salvation Army: History and Beginnings

The Salvation Army traces its colorful beginnings from July 2, 1865, when a Methodist minister started work in East London that would spawn a massive movement before the 19th century ends. Founder William Booth preached the Gospel to the poor, and by 1867, the ministry had been offering reading rooms, basic schooling, soup kitchens, penny banks, and relief aid to the needy and underprivileged.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons
Booth and his wife, Catherine, trained evangelists throughout England, and within a decade, their organization had more than 1,000 volunteers and evangelists. Among their first converts to Christianity were thieves, prostitutes, drunkards, and gamblers, and soon they were preaching the Word of God on the streets. Here, women were also given ranks equal with men as the couple launched their programs into London’s more destitute neighborhoods.
In 1878, Booth was looking at a printer’s proof that referred to their group Christian Mission as a “volunteer army.” He was quick to change it into Salvation Army, proclaimed in succeeding meetings as such. The Salvation Army responded to a call from America in early 1880, followed by the call to commence operations in Australia.
From there, it has grown into an international evangelical movement with an array of social services, now based in 106 countries and reaching 160 languages. The Salvation Army provides not only different forms of support to the poor and disenfranchised, but also offers spiritual counsel and a sense of community to them regardless of their race, creed, or conviction.

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A car dealership owner, Robert Bassam is a staunch supporter of Salvation Army as well as other organizations. Learn more about his passion for philanthropy on this blog.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Giving To Charities During The Holiday Season

The spirit of giving is most alive during the Christmas season, and for our charitable gestures to count the most, we should consider how we will donate, and to whom.

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Big charitable institutions usually have a steady flow of donors especially during the holidays, so you might want to offer help somewhere closer to home. Local, smaller charitable organizations are usually dependent on volunteers and have no fixed, paid staff. Look them up as they’d most likely need donations more. Or maybe volunteer yourself.

The holiday season often comes at a time of severe, cold weather in most western countries, leading to a rise of people in need of basic necessities. Instead of offering cash and other luxuries, prioritize the donation of clothes and food. It’s not much different in other parts of the world, of course. Keep with the holiday spirit and offer what you deem is most needed.

You might want to likewise donate things you don’t need at home. Check your cupboards, collect old toys, gather extra clothes or those you’ve outgrown. Health is often a big concern come Christmas, so also consider donating blood. Most importantly, keep in mind that for the poor and the needy, Christmas could happen more often. We might want to give more often as well.

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Robert Bassam is the founder of the Easterns Automotive Group, which has different charitable and philanthropic endeavors. Learn more about his advocacies here.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Why Businesses Should Care About Human Rights

With the rise of wars, abuse, and other problems afflicting the marginalized, more and more people and businesses are voicing out the importance of recognizing human rights.  While some people are indifferent when it comes to talks about human rights, it is everyone’s duty to fight for them. 

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Human rights are considered the heart of human development.  They are also integral in fighting inequality and discrimination.  So why should the rest of the world—including businesses—make them a priority in their drives for corporate and personal social responsibility?

When businesses are aware of the repercussions of dismissing human rights, they can be actively involved in preventing and addressing violations.  In previous decades, the workplace has been a direct site of inequality and discrimination, where most human rights abuses occur.  Businesses that violate the human rights of their workforce are susceptible to failure. 

The business sector should be a strong, influential force that promotes inclusive growth by building and implementing models that are good for the environment and for social development.  This is why more and more companies show stability and economic security by getting rid of discrimination, inequality, and lack of accountability in the workplace.

Some companies can be exemplars of equality and prosperity, but others, especially the biggest ones, can also suspend development.  But when companies collaborate with its people, the government, and the society, they contribute directly to economic and social development, which in turn directly impact their productivity and success. 

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Robert Bassam is a business leader and philanthropist. Learn more about the causes he supports by visiting this page.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Volunteering Since 1865: a Brief History Of The Salvation Army

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During the middle of the 19th century, Christian minister William Booth ministered to people in an unconventional manner – by stepping away from the pulpit and out of the four walls of the church. He took the message of the Gospel to the streets of London and throughout England as an independent traveling evangelist.

In 1865, Booth was asked to conduct a series of evangelistic meetings in London’s East End. That year, his time as a wandering minister came to an end as the success of the event allowed Booth and his wife, Catherine, to start the Christian Mission, which would later become known as The Salvation Army.

Booth modeled the organization after the British military to make sure that they emulate the efficiency by which the army was known back then. The group even designed its own flag, created hymns, wore military-like uniforms, and labeled leaders and members with “ranks.”

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The Salvation Army had an organized approach to reaching out to the most forsaken neighborhoods in London. Booth summarized it with “first, soup; second, soap; and finally, salvation.” The organization would set up soup kitchens to feed the destitute, then provide them physical and spiritual assistance.

About 15 years later, the organization branched out to three other countries, namely, Australia, Ireland, and the U.S. And 150 years, The Salvation Army has become one of the largest international charitable organization in the world, with over 1.5 million members from 127 countries, who are also known as Salvationists.

Robert Bassam has contributed to many charitable organizations, including the Prince George’s Salvation Army. Check this website to read more about his philanthropic works.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Canine Companions For Independence: More Than Four Decades Of Aiding The Disabled

In 1975, the idea of dogs providing assistance to people with physical disabilities was put into practice when the Canine Companions for Independence was established in Santa Rosa, California. The organization started small, holding operations in a home office and a garage, but it has since grown significantly through the help and dedication of the organization’s partners and supporters.

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The program involves breeding, raising, and training assistance dogs to

  • help adults with physical disabilities perform daily tasks,
  • alert their completely or partially deaf owners to important sounds,
  • provide adults with special needs valuable companionship in a visitation, education, criminal justice, or healthcare setting, or
  • help children and adults with disabilities to gain skills that could enhance their independence.

Canine Companions typically employ Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and a cross of the two breeds. Volunteers take care of breeder dogs and raise puppies, which are taught to obey basic commands and socialize. Upon completion of their individualized training, the canines are subjected to team training to match them well with disabled children or adults, including veterans.

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Since its founding more than 40 years ago, Canine Companions have seen 5,274 graduate teams.

Robert Bassam, Easterns Automotive CEO, supports and donates to various non-profit organizations. In January 2017, he helped the Canine Companions for Independence by joining a charity auction benefiting the organization. Visit this website to read more about Mr. Bassam’s philanthropic endeavors.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Second chances at Ruth’s Miracle Group

Not too many people today get second chances, which is why it’s a good thing that Maryland is home to a certain kind of hope for certain lives. 

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Ruth’s Miracle Group Home Foundation has committed itself to giving exactly that to women.

Starting out in 2009 as a transitional facility for at risk women, it is now known as a safe haven dedicated to nurturing women in need back to readiness in society. The organization’s overall goal has been to aid in the growth and development that re-strengthens the foundations of a fully independent and self-sufficient lifestyle. 

Women in general have been embattled with a handful of bitter challenges. One of the biggest issues that can leave a woman in shambles is physical abuse. Statistics consistently indicate that women are at the receiving end of domestic violence. 

When this is not the case, women have been found to have fallen victim to substance abuse. A woman in trouble is an easy target of drug dependence. There is a host of compounding influences which can trigger and progressively worsen this. 

Ruth’s Miracle Group Home Foundation’s mission has seen this reality as clear as day, and has commensurately provided a helping hand. The foundation has been rescuing women and their children who have been living homeless in the streets. Gradually, they are restored to the fullness of healing, free of mental and emotional pains. 

When second chances come few and far in between, Ruth’s Miracle Group has restored faith in humanity.  

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Robert Bassam gives back to the communities in the Virginia and Greater Washington area. He has supported Ruth’s Miracle Group Home and other similar foundations. His various humanitarian practices can be seen on this website.