Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Helping hand: How to aid in disaster relief

According to online publication Our World in Data, natural disasters are becoming more frequent as time passes. While the world has done a relatively good job of limiting the death toll as compared to early 20th century data, the number of people affected by these calamities is increasing. 

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Just recently, Mexico was struck by two high-magnitude earthquakes in a span of two weeks, while the Caribbean and the U.S. Gulf Coast regions were hit with a category-four major hurricane and two category-five major hurricanes within a month. 

These have caused the mobilization of numerous relief efforts as an aid for the millions of lives affected and the hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. 

Understandably, countless people want to extend their help to disaster relief programs, only many do not know how. Below are two ways of giving aid during these times: 


According to The Center for International Disaster Information, a charitable contribution is arguably the most effective means of helping. There are hundreds of foundations or nonprofits that know how to financially support international emergency aid. Those who could not afford to contribute money can opt to donate used clothing, items, or food instead. 


In Florida alone, a total of 17,000 volunteers were requested by Governor Rick Scott. Manpower is badly needed during these times. However, people, as well-intentioned as they may be, should not head directly to disaster scenes. It is better to be connected with organizations or agencies.  

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Eastern Automotive Group CEO and founder Robert Bassam is also a philanthropist and humanitarian who gives back to the community. Read more about charity and volunteering here.